What is Shredded Steel ?

Shredded Steel (aka Fragmented Steel) is produced by powerful shredding machines, processing large pieces of metal into smaller, more manageable fragments. The shredded scrap metal is subsequently easier to transport and simpler to process, eventually leading to the production of new goods. At its core, metal shredding contributes significantly to resource conservation, so it’s easy to understand how it’s a vital process for various reasons.

The shredding process enhances the efficiency of sorting, separating, and ultimately recycling the metal. The metal fragments become easier to handle, reducing the overall environmental impact of the recycling process. Additionally, shredded metal is more amenable to melting,

A video of the shredded process can be found by clicking here Shredded Scrap Processing.



We supply shredded steel scrap according to ISRI 210 & ISRI 211.

With a minimum of 23-27mt per container.

Material to be free from the following impurities :
  • Toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, explosives, organic matter from animals or plants   with danger of epidemic diseases or medical waste.
  • Bombs, arms, ammunition, mines, shells, cartridges, gas cylinders and/or any   explosive materials in any form.
  • Rubber, plastic, asphalt, wood, chemicals or any non-metallic content.
  • Metallic and other impurities not to be more than 1.0% including dust and rust.

Recycling metal reduces pollution, saves resources, reduces waste going to landfills and prevents the destruction of habitats from mining new ore.
Shredded metal is more favourable to melting, allowing for a uniform and efficient melt.

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